A question about banning on your servers

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A question about banning on your servers

Messagede spinalsoup » Jeu 02 Juin 2005 19:58

First of all, let me excuse myself if this is not the right place to post this; I don`t read french and not even english is my mothertongue (it`s norwegian).

My reason for posting here: Just 5-10 minutes ago I was banned on one of your servers, Bataillon Francophone 2. We were playing Saigon 1968, and all of a sudden someone (an admin I suppose), tells me to "To stop using the bug." I ask what bug, since I have absoulutely no ide of what he is talking about. His reply is: "I saw you, stop using the bug." Again I ask "What damn bug?" Then I get banned.
Now, if I was told what this bug that I supposedly was using was, it would be easier for me to understand/not use it. Since I have no idea what I was doing wrong, and I wasn`t told, it was naturally hard for me to stop whatever I was doing, which in my eyes was playing the game normally.

I further would like to stress that I`m a serios player of bfv (and will be of bf2 when that time comes), and I do not take lightly to being banned without reason like this. I`m active in a serious clan - GiS, even though it has taken a break come bf2. And before GiS I have also been active in other clans that took ladder and fun serios.
To add to this, I myself have been an admin of a bfv server, and I know it can be hard work sometimes, and that alot of people can be ungrateful for the job that gets done and the fact that someone is paying for the server and it`s bandwidth.
But if this kind of practice is common, if you just accuse someone of something and expect them to telepathicly understand what you`re talking about, and then ban them when they don`t; then I have to say that it doesn`t exactly cast a good light on Battillon Francophone.

Naturally I hope for this ban to be lifted, since the only plausible reason for this was a misunderstanding of some kind. And, of course, it would be nice if the admin that banned me could explain me exactly what bug it was he meant.
But maybe that is difficult if you have alot of admins. If the latter is the case, and you have some main-admin or CL that cares about this, then I would be happy to forward my key-hash, so you could find out who banned me.
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Inscription: Jeu 02 Juin 2005 19:39

Messagede Sunzé » Ven 03 Juin 2005 10:41

First it's a good think to post your problem without bad word ,i appreciate :D
I don't know if is someone and why exactly ,you are banned.I don't play at this hour ,and i'll ask the question on Team speak as soon as possible to understand what happened,because may be this person don't speak english.
It's true that this map have some bugs.Personaly ,i know only one,and it's not necessary to speak about that and explain it,that to avoid to spead it (i'll think your understand).
i'll foward this post to see if you found your explanation in the next days.


PS: my english is not perfect i hope you understand correctly me.
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Messagede BF_Bibou » Ven 03 Juin 2005 10:58

you'r english il very good sunze nice work and answer :wink:

wait and see spinalsoup :wink:
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Messagede Sunzé » Ven 03 Juin 2005 13:53

I 'm just finish to speak about that whith the BF_ that Bann you.
He explain me very well the situation ,and it's a men with honnor ,respect and consience.(I'm folling in love to him :lol: )
He see you just a the moment you leave the cheat place and kill him . Before you kill his friend just in front of him, Twice don't hunderstand where the shoot coming from ,( they are in call on TS) ,he was to hide at this moment,and he show you suddenly to leave your place.
after that he ban you for 1 days (it's not the dead :P )You'llcan coming again and avoid to use bug's map now :wink:

it's will be very surprising that it was a bad combinaison of circumstances :roll:
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Messagede BF_Bibou » Ven 03 Juin 2005 14:20

I'm falling in love with him

it's not the death

juste correcting some mistakes :wink:
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Messagede spinalsoup » Ven 03 Juin 2005 16:50

BF_SUNZé a écrit:He see you just a the moment you leave the cheat place and kill him . Before you kill his friend just in front of him, Twice don't hunderstand where the shoot coming from ,( they are in call on TS) ,he was to hide at this moment,and he show you suddenly to leave your place.

it's will be very surprising that it was a bad combinaison of circumstances :roll:

I too appriciate your respectful answer SUNZe, it also tells me something about your clan :)
But I do still not understand this. I have never cared about looking for bugs/exploits in maps, and I do not know of any in Saigon 1968. (Though now I guess I have to google it to find out.) On that map I always focus on trying to control the tunnels, and I run to and from the flags down there. So, the only possible reason for this, in my eyes, is that it was a coincidence.
I`m not a bad player, and I have had noobs call me cheater before, but this is the first time something like this happens to me on a clan-server where there are several other good players.
Anyway, I hope that you understand that I do not - ever exploit bugs! I`m a serious player, and I don`t take the fun away from others, that`s why I feel I can expect others not to take the fun away from me. And it`s also my reson for looking you up on the net and actally going into this at such length. I will join your server later today, and then hopefylly wwe can have some fun together!
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Inscription: Jeu 02 Juin 2005 19:39

Messagede Laruel » Ven 03 Juin 2005 19:06

ok man , nice of u to be respectful :wink:
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Messagede jackyshow » Ven 03 Juin 2005 19:56

les BF_ international !!! loooooooooooool
the world is mine...

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Messagede LAPIN oups » Lun 06 Juin 2005 10:41

Klass les bf mais... c koi les bug j'en ai toujours pas trouvé dans ce jeu :roll:
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Messagede Sunzé » Lun 06 Juin 2005 11:14

Cherche pas ,moins on est a le savoir et mieux c'est :wink:
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